RailCal, Just PNR, FmT & IRI Privacy Policy
The website India Rail Info (IRI) and the Android/Apple apps RailCal, Just PNR & Follow my Trip (FmT) are all related entities, sharing a common database. This Privacy Policy applies to ALL the aforementioned entities.
NOT Affiliated with Govt.
India Rail Info does NOT have ANY formal affiliation or authorization from Indian Railways or any other Govt. entities to provide Railway information. The IRI website and its related apps - FmT, Just PNR and RailCal - organize, collate and present crowd-sourced information gathered from the following publicly available sources:
1. Govt. websites and apps,
2. Govt. Press Releases,
3. Newspaper ads and articles,
4. TV, YouTube, Android/iPhone apps and other electronic media,
5. First-hand information, travel blogs, photographs and videos posted by our members.
Our members do take some effort to vet and screen the information, removing fake news and outdated information. However, the website and apps DO NOT claim 100% accuracy of fast-changing Railway information. Users themselves are responsible for verifying the information from OTHER independent sources.
Sharing of User Data
India Rail Info does NOT have ANY Commercial OR Non-Commercial Relationship with ANY third-party organization to sell ANY user data, either directly or indirectly through APIs. ANY information which is NOT ALREADY available publicly through the website is also NOT AVAILABLE TO ANYONE ELSE. To emphasize the point,
NO Third-Party Commercial/Non-Commercial or Govt. Entity has access to ANY Private Information NOT already available PUBLICLY through the IRI website.
EMail Login
IRI/RailCal/Just PNR/FmT users are able to login directly using their EMail ID. The EMail is pseudonymized and stored internally for user authentication purposes, and to send Emails to the concerned user for Activation of their Account/Resetting their Password. IRI does NOT send ANY unsolicited or marketing Emails to ANY user. IRI neither solicits NOR stores ANY other personal information about ANY user.
IRI is a cookie-based website. Cookies are used to maintain User Login sessions and for Google Analytics/Adsense.
Search Engine indexing
All PUBLIC Info, including public Blog Posts and Trip Diary, on the IRI website is available to ANY Search Engine for indexing. Group and Pvt Blog Posts can be seen ONLY by Logged-in users with the appropriate Credentials. Group and Pvt. Blog Posts are NOT considered Public Info and CANNOT be seen or indexed by any Search Engine.
PNRs input by users are used to display their ticket status. The PNR Number is partially obscured, and the member posting the PNR remains anonymous. Our members/PNR Monitors periodically input the posted PNR Numbers into the Railway Govt. apps/websites to manually fetch the latest status, and feed the same into IRI. All PNRs are available for viewing and searching by others, for Analysis and Prediction purposes. However, individual PNRs cannot be linked to or identified with any particular member of IRI, unless the member himself/herself chooses to disclose the same through a Blog Post.
Data Processing & Deletion
1. PUBLIC INFO: India Rail Info is a PUBLIC information website, like Wikipedia. Members Post Blogs, Upload Pics/Videos, and update Train Info of their OWN FREE WILL. On its part, the site commits to preserve the same indefinitely. The Blog Posts, Info Updates, Picture uploads, etc. automatically belong to the PUBLIC domain.
2. NO DATA PROCESSING/TARGETING: Blogs & Pics posted to the Forum are available for perusal, AS IS. We DO NOT process the data, sell them to advertisers for targeted marketing, use it to drive AI algorithms, etc.
3. NO ALGORITHMIC ORDERING: Blogs are listed in the Forum in CHRONOLOGICAL order. We DO NOT target posts to users using any AI Algorithms.
4. DUE CREDIT: Members who post Blogs, upload Pictures or add/update Train Info are given DUE CREDIT in their Member Profiles.
5. DATA DELETION: Members may request their own posted data to be deleted for whatever reason, by private posting to the "moderator", within the site. Alternatively, emails may be addressed to admin@indiarailinfo.com. Every email/pvt post is considered on a case-by-case basis, and turnaround is usually within a day. The
India Rail Info Forum also has a special Report button through which members may request our "Forum Monitor" group to take down their own or other members' posts.
6. ROBUST MODERATION: The IRI Forum has a robust and very active member vigilance/reporting and Forum monitoring system. Through this mechanism, members are able to request blog/pic deletion, for reasons including, but not limited to, privacy and copyright.
Quitting RailCal/Just PNR/FmT/IRI
When a member quits IRI, his/her Blog Posts and other site history are ANONYMIZED (NOT deleted). The member's name will NOT appear alongside any of their blog posts. Also, that member's profile will NO LONGER be available for viewing. Their EMail/User credentials are moved to an Archived Storage, and are not a part of the Active System. In many cases, former members wish to return to IRI, and express this intent through other members. In such cases, their credentials are retrieved from the Archive - the process takes a few days.
RailCal Audio upload
RailCal has a feature whereby you are able to Record Audio and upload it to the Forum. All uploaded Audio is publicly available. As such, this feature is ONLY to be used to upload public Train & Station sounds, for the enjoyment of RailCal users and visitors to http://indiarailinfo.com. Please do NOT upload private confidential audio on RailCal.